Repercussions of Long Term Birth Control Pill Use

When I was 15 years old, I had debilitating cramps and heaviness with my period every single month. I remember not being able to do much during my period and having to lay down for a lot of it. I would take some over the counter pain meds like ibuprofen, but that didn’t even touch … Continue reading Repercussions of Long Term Birth Control Pill Use

Intestinal Permeability (A.K.A. “Leaky Gut Syndrome”) and How it Interferes With Weight Loss

If you hang around the holistic health and wellness sphere for any amount of time, you are likely to hear about intestinal permeability, also known as “leaky gut”, and how it can wreak havoc on the body in many different ways. Funnily enough, you don’t actually need to have any of the classic digestive symptoms … Continue reading Intestinal Permeability (A.K.A. “Leaky Gut Syndrome”) and How it Interferes With Weight Loss

Benefits of a Three Day Fast

As I am writing this post, I am on day three of a 3 day fast. I have never attempted a fast this long before and it has taught me a lot, so I thought I would share my experience in case anyone is interested. I usually intermittent fast most days, meaning that I skip … Continue reading Benefits of a Three Day Fast

How the Health of your Mouth Affects the Health of your Skin

It may seem like a bit of a stretch to think about, but the “healthiness” of our mouth can have a huge impact on the way our skin performs, both in terms of its appearance and in its function as a barrier defense to incoming pathogens. What? you may be thinking, why on earth would … Continue reading How the Health of your Mouth Affects the Health of your Skin

Stress and Digestion: Could The Way You Eat Be Adding to Your Stress?

In our modern times and fast-paced lifestyles, most of us feel “stressed” at least some, if not a majority of the time. If you take a minute to think about all the things in your life that can promote stress you might come up with things like: tension in relationships, deadlines at work, family obligations/ … Continue reading Stress and Digestion: Could The Way You Eat Be Adding to Your Stress?

Gut Dysbiosis, a Common Culprit

  “The road to health is paved by good intestines”- Sherry A. Rogers When I started to delve into some of my long standing health issues by changing my diet and lifestyle during the tail end of 2010, I didn’t quite realize that perhaps all of the issues that had cropped up over the years … Continue reading Gut Dysbiosis, a Common Culprit