Got Friends? The Connection Between Social Support and Health

  It can be easy to think of health, fitness and well-being as being directly impacted by our diet and lifestyle choices and not much else. Some might go further to include stress-relieving activities such as meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature when thinking about what directly affects their overall health and well-being.  Funnily … Continue reading Got Friends? The Connection Between Social Support and Health

Judging Books By Their Covers; Why It’s Better to Look Inside to Determine “Healthiness”

“Healthy” is a funny word, isn’t it? It can mean very different things to different people. As a Nutritional Therapist and Coach I have heard things like: “I just want to get healthy”, or “I need to be healthier”. But what does that really mean? I personally have come to a definition of health that … Continue reading Judging Books By Their Covers; Why It’s Better to Look Inside to Determine “Healthiness”